Wednesday, July 22, 2009

12 Week Challenge: Week Three

July 6, 2009 - Monday

Current mood: exhausted

Well, not much to report this week. I maintained. It looked like I'd lost .2 lbs but then I was .4 up from that this morning. I'll be over the monthly stuff by tomorrow so maybe that has something to do with it. I also spent Friday-Sunday pretty much eating whatever.

Although I must say I didn't eat too terrible although there were 2 meals where I had some volume issues. Eating in a crowd is so interesting for me. I never feel like I'm going to get enough food so I kind of horde and go back for seconds (sometimes thirds) just to make sure I got enough. I always make sure everyone ELSE has enough too, but... it's weird. I didn't grow up that way. My mom always had a ton of food available so it's not like I was ever deprived. It's very strange as how I eat in large groups often does look like someone who WAS deprived of enough food growing up. Yeah, in my family, that was definitely not the case..

I also ate a bit more liberally last week. Like cheese. And I ate some white carbs vs. wheat carbs. I'm going to be careful this week. Although I did work out this morning, I got so little sleep and woke up late that I skimped my interval work out for some Wii boxing (trust me, that IS a workout!). I was intending to go to aqua aerobics tonight but am so tired that I was relieved when Jenna cancelled. Granted, I could still go but... I'd really rather just not tonight. I'll go on Thursday. And do my weight routine tomorrow and walk the esplanade again tomorrow with Nicole pending it's not raining. And do full throttle internval cardio on Wednesday. And I have 2 hikes in store for this weekend. So. If I can keep my eating under control and back on my program, I should do better this week than last. But then again, maybe I'm gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. I don't know. I just know i'm still motivated and I'm committed to this still.

So the challenge I'm having today is I'm hungry. It could be b/c I wasn't on my diet over the weekend... I'm not sure. And on top of that, I've received some upsetting news (more on that in a minute) and now all I want to do is eat. I know it's psychological, but... it's true. It doesn't mean I'm GOING to eat, but I DO recognize it as being my sole response to the news. Hmmm...

Anyway. In other news. Fourth of July has never been a big deal for me. I can take or leave the fireworks. I like BBQs, this is true, but never get invited to any. This year, Jenna invited me for her birthday and 4th of July celebrations at her river house. It was warm and sunny and I spent hours upon hours in the sun reading and bathing and listening to the river flow by. I waded in the water. I sat with my feet in so I didn't get too hot. It was soooo magnificent. I have a very awesome and busy and active month ahead. I can't wait!

So the upsetting news I got today was that I had put an offer in on THE house. The PERFECT house. This was last week. It was a bit spendy, but I didn't care. It was in a great neighborhood. It was light and easy and wonderful. And I didn't get it. And what's worse... is that my making an offer and getting all excited about it could have been entirely avoided had the other Realtor not been a total shit for brains asshole. My Realtor is going to email her and tell her what a stupid B**** she is (only nicer). I literally feel heartbroken over this loss. But... as with other houses... I'll move on. I'll keep looking. I'm entering into my 2nd year of looking. I've not had great luck with this whole process. But I'll keep on keeping on b/c I want this. I just want the right one. One I can feel really at home in. B/c my home is very important to me.

So anyway. That's my update for this week. No thanks to any of you, Michael sent me some blog titles to try out so... let me know if you like any of them over the next couple of weeks. :) I'm looking for something regular.

Happy week to you. xoxo

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