Monday, June 7, 2010

Day One

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Or so they say.

I have given the 'ole blog a face lift. Food, fitness and health are big issues for me. Always have been, and likely always will be. We have all "been there and done that" in some respects. I know I certainly have and I'm know I'm not alone. That many of you have these issues on your mind as well on any given day. This new space will be about my struggles and successes through the world of fitness, food and the constant quest to be healthy and love myself just as I am. I hope you will share your story with me in this venue as well as time goes on.

Buckle up, ladies and gents, it's going to be an awesome ride!


  1. I'm ready - Fire AWAY!!

  2. Tonia McConnell passed your blog on to me. I've been writing about my issues with food and exploring whether or not I want to change them and if so, how.

    I'll be following your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm in... My self discipline levels are dangerously low..


  4. Hooray for facelifts. :) Thank you for being so brave and honest and to share your journey with us. Love to YOU, Luscious Lioness!

  5. Hey Lindsey,
    I also have had struggles with my weight. I fought to lose 100lbs thinking this would make me healthier only to discover it was the exercise and healthy eating that does that. I still struggle. It's nice that you are willing to put this out there. I look forward to reading.

  6. You have found that intersection between your passion and the world's greatest need. You go girl. I especially love your courage and authenticity. I'm proud like a mama.
