Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Well, it's about that time of year when I debrief on my resolutions which I've done for the past several years. For me personally, I'm a big resolution fan. In the last 4 years or so, I've typed them out and made them visible and seeing them every day has helped me to meet my goals.

Here is how I did in 2009:
1. Lose 50-85 lbs. Uhhh... I actually PUT ON weight. Oops.

2. Go to the gym 3 days a week and do one day a week of yoga. I don't think I did the yoga but for a long while I was working out very regularly, especially this spring and summer. Then I got sick and didn't go back. It's been six months.

3. Pursue hobbies:
* Knitting (made TONS of scarves and hats this year!)
* Writing (took a writing workshop and realized I'm just not a good writer. But I tried it!)
* Yoga/Meditation (fell very short on this. Early in the year, I did yoga and meditation with Nicole but that fizzled out quickly)
* Reading (I finally have been better about reading. I love it so much and never make time for it. And this year I did and I'm so glad!)
* Modeling (tried this too and had a few trade photo shoots. I don't think it's for me although I did have fun with it)
* Sewing (this wasn't originally on the list, but it is a hobby I've started. I don't know how to sew but I know how to make the machine go which means I made curtains and lots of bags. hahaha! Easy stuff)

4. Continue with CODA and step work. I finished my step study group and continue to go to meetings and read literature.

5. Take one vacation just for me and just for fun: I really ended up doing this a few times. I rented a beach house for 4 nights in May. I went to Vegas in early December which really wasn't just for me, but it was just for fun. And I just spent 4 days at the coast over New Year's which was very lazy and relaxing. It reminded me that I need to plan more trips, even if they are local. I value vacations!

6. Go on at least 3 hikes this year. I ended up going on 5 hikes! First time really getting out there and hiking in years. And I started with a doozie so I knew I could do it. It was great fun! I even went on one alone. Felt amazing!

So overall I think I did pretty well on my resolutions for 2009 and I think I set some very reasonable goals for 2010. They are as follows:

1. Lost 35 lbs (starting today in fact!)

2. go to gym 3 days a week, weight training 2 days a week and yoga OR meditation 1 day a week.

3. Learn to knit socks and gloves

4. Attend 2 CODA meetings a month and do the steps again on my own.

5. Go on at least FIVE hikes this year.

6. Quit Caffeine

7. Plan one 3+ night vacation.

And there you have it! We'll gather and discuss again in a year! If you are a resolution type, I hope you, too, set reasonable goals and wish you all the support you need to reach them!

Happy New Year!!

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